

1. 王新龙的学术论文

【1】 GK Yu, XL Wang, & ZY Tao, Resonant emission of solitons from impurity-induced localized waves in nonlinear lattices, Phys. Rev. E 83, 026605 (2011).【2】XL Wang, Theory of resonant sound transmission through small apertures on periodically perforated slabs, J. Appl. Phys. 108, 064903 (2010). XL Wang, Acoustical mechanism for the extraordinary sound transmission through subwavelength apertures, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 134104 (2010)【3】F Bao, C Li, XL Wang, QF Wang and SP Du, Ship classification using nonlinear features of radiated sound: An approach based on empirical mode decomposition, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 128 (1), 206-214 (2010)【4】F Bao, XL Wang, ZY Tao, QF Wang and SP Du, Adaptive extraction of modulation for cavitation noises, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 126 (6), 3107-3113 (2009)【5】H Hong, ZM Zhao, XL Wang, ZY Tao, Detection of Dynamic Structures of Speech Fundamental Frequency in Tonal Languages, IEEE Signal Process. Lett., 17 (10), 843-846 (2010).【6】H Hong, XL Wang, & ZY Tao, Local Integral Mean-Based Sifting for Empirical Mode Decomposition, IEEE Signal Process. Lett., 16, 841-844 (2009)【7】YM Xiao, ZY Tao, WY He, and XL Wang, Non-Bragg resonance of surface water waves in a trough with periodic walls, Phys. Rev. E 78, 016311 (2008)【8】L. K. Zhang, X. L. Wang, Z. Y. Tao, Spatiotemporal bifurcations of a parametrically excited solitary wave, Phys. Rev. E 75, 036602 (2007)【9】XL Wang & Theodore Y. Wu, Integral convergence of the higher-order theory for solitary waves, Phys. Lett. A 350 (1-2), 44-50 (2006).【10】L. K. Zhang, X. L. Wang, Z. Y. Tao, Spatiotemporal bifurcations of a parametrically excited solitary wave, Phys. Rev. E 75, 036602 (2007)【11】X. L. Wang, Parametrically Excited Nonlinear Waves and Their Localizations, Physica D 154, 337-359 (2001).[6] X. L. Wang, Internal Dynamics of the Parametrically Excited Bound States of Double Solitary-Waves, Physica D 127(1-2), 13-32 (1999).【12】X. L. Wang & RJ Wei, Oscillatory Patterns Composed of Parametrically Excited Solitary Waves, Phys. Rev. E 57, 2405-2410 (1998).【13】X. L. Wang & R. J. Wei, Dynamics of Multisoliton Interactions in Parametrically Resonant Systems, Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 2744 (1997).【14】X. L. Wang & R. J. Wei, Dynamics of Multisoliton Interactions in Parametrically Resonant Systems, Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 2744 (1997).【15】X. L. Wang & R. J. Wei, Observation of the collision behavior of parametrically excited standing solitons, Phys. Lett. A 192, 1 (1994)


2. 龙新民的介绍


3. 龙新民的个人著作

《感悟宣传》本书为龙新民同志从事宣传工作几十年来的所思所得。全书分为“记者生涯留足音”、“宣传实践与思考”、“东鳞西爪随笔来”三部分,收录了作者作为新闻记者采写的部分报道和对新闻工作的探索文章;作者在中央和北京市新闻宣传管理和领导岗位时撰写的理论文章,发表的讲话、访谈;作者工作之余写作的杂文、承笔等。所收文章基本都在中央和北京市主要报刊上公开发表过,有的曾被评为优秀论文。本书内容有强烈的时代色彩、深刻的理论内涵及生动的阅读价值,值得从事新闻出版宣传文化工作的同志和读者借鉴参考。《百事拾零》本书为龙新民同志继《感悟宣传》之后推出的新作,主要着眼于30多年 来中央和北京市宣传工作方面的某些重大事件或创新性发展,是作者对亲身参与其中的宣传工作及其他有关工作史实的回忆和总结。2008年正值改革开放30周年,龙新民同志的这本回忆和总之作的出版,无疑是对改革开放以来北京市宣传工作发展历程的很有意义的纪念,其中的经验思考值得借鉴。本书从亲历亲为的角度,以生动写实的笔触,为我们描绘了北京市宣传工作的发展脉络。书中选取事件发生时的细节、花絮,以及某些鲜为人知的幕后故事,史料性与可读性并举,令人回味与思索。
